SB20 - Compensating for Power Meter Inaccuracy

Are my Power Meters Accurate? One of the most common complaints on cycling social media is: "My power meters are inaccurate." Reasons include: 1. Riders perform better in different environments. Whether it's outdoor or indoor, many cyclists see higher power in specific scenarios. 2. You’ve done a dual meter comparison using something like ZwiftPower ( Comparing Power Meters with ZwiftPower ). 3. The power meters are actually bad ( opinions vary so please keep reading ) Here's the problem: Comparisons can be misleading. Indoor and outdoor riding environments differ significantly . The resistance and acceleration vary greatly, causing many power meters to struggle with accuracy in one environment versus the other. Riding style is also a factor; smooth riders often see different average power measurements compared to those who vary their cadence and acceleration. With dual power meter comparisons it is impossible to know which power meter is correct when only two a...