Power Meters - Zero Reset

 What is a Zero Reset? 

The Stages SB20 bike has power meters that support a zero reset function. 

Zero Reset tells the vertically positioned crank power meters: "Torque should now be zero Newton-meters (Nm)". This allows subsequent readings to be made from a correct starting value. It's like setting 0 lbs/kg on a bathroom scale.

Here are things that commonly affect the starting value:

1. Different pedals.

2. Temperature or humidity changes.

The Left:Right numbers you see in the Stages app are a representation of the amount of torque that will be added or subtracted from each PM reading.

Zero Reset is not Calibration

zero reset does not "calibrate" the power meter's primary function: measurement of force as you push the pedals.   

To do minor Stages power meter calibration see:

Stages SB20 - Measuring Torque Against Factory Specifications

Comparing Power Meters with ZwiftPower


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