Hookless Hoax?


IMHO: There are two types of tubeless tire riders, those who get stranded and those who don't. Riders who get stuck the most have hookless rims that allow the tire to fall off in a blowout. They can't get the tire re-seated and need to call for help. The other tubeless camp has hooked rims (includes me). Ours tires rarely come off. We can patch with a tubeless repair kit bacon strip in 5 minutes. We don't even need to carry a spare tube.

My limited sample: On club rides this year, about a half dozen people have needed to call home home after getting a tubeless flat. All were riding hookless rims.

Few people seem to know the difference and vendors are pushing pretty hard to sell us hookless rims. Does this pass the smell test?


Hookless Rims remind me of Press Fit Bottom Brackets 15 years ago. Vendors insisted they were great. Reality for most people was different: Noisy, loose fitting and bearings that failed at an alarming rate. Cannondale, who introduced the BB30 bottom bracket, abandoned it this year.

Are hookless rims another case of bike manufacturers selling us a product that they know has issues?


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